Shadow Master

Shadow Master

from $30.00

Institutional Copy
Price: $150
Institutional copy purchased for non-profits, public schools, university libraries/departments, corporations, etc. comes with public performance rights for the life of the media for non-commercial and educational exhibition when no admission fee is charged.

Home Viewing Copy
Price: $30
For private usage. No public screening rights.

Official Selection, 2008 Thin Line Film Festival

Shadow Master is a dramatic documentary about a family of dancers and shadow masters in Bali. The film is a dramatization of events which occurred during the filming process, and during the two years Reed spent living and studying with dalang (shadow master) I Nyoman Rajeg and his extended family.

When I think of home, I remember how proud the little girls are when it's time to give offerings, and how much time there is in a day.

Told from the point of view Suartini, the dalang's daughter, all the actors in the film are members of the family and co-creators of the story. Koman Negara, just 5 years old when the film was shot, is now himself the village dalang.

Filmed in 1979 by John Knoop and Larry Reed before the onslaught of mass tourism, the film has high historical and cultural value. It has aired on PBS and the Discovery Channel.

Total Running Time: 54 min
Format: NTSC

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